Publish High Quality Content
Optimising your pages correctly
Note: Optimising Ecommerce Product Pages is the challenge.
- Publish long engaging content, it ranks higher.
- Include your target keywords in the right tags
- Latent Symantec Index LSI (secondary keywords/phrases) keywords to be used here as well
- Make your content readable with the help of visuals, subtitles, and bullet points.
- Write easy to read logically organised content to prevent the bounce rate being high. If people cannot read or understand the content, they will leave.
- Key sections always have the advantages/benefits of the product/service.
- Provide Value added information such as FAQs, Guides, Instructions, Tips &Tricks, Video, etc.
- Share customer reviews and ratings. Or Case study with testimonials. This is adding credibility.
- Update content regularly
- Review content before publishing
Optimise Title Tags and use positive calls to action
- For example, FREE, Class Leading, Updated, Limited, Exclusive, Offer, Onetime, Cashback, Discounted, free delivery. Or use a number, i.e. 100 bests of.
- Internal Linking to relevant other pages, if the page they are on is not quite right, they may follow links to something else. Also link to cross-sells, upsells. Also include a request/enquiry link on every page.
- Meta description tips
- Keep every Meta specific to the page, in the Title and Content.
- Use keywords, secondary keywords, and positive calls.
- Do not stuff keywords keep in the character limit.
- Make sure URL SEO is readable and friendly. Match URLs to titles. Avoid too many sub directories/menu names.
- Use hyphens if necessary
Rich Snippets, improving visibility on SERPS
- Snippets describe the structure of the page.
- Determine what you want people to see. Drive more targeted traffic.
- Increase CTR
- Increase conversion
- Improve visibility
- May get featured in knowledge graph or info at the top
- They drive more traffic.
Some common properties
- Image Thumbnail
- Description
- Aggregate Rating
- Reviews
- Offers
- Prices
- Site Links
- Product Availability
Optimise for better user experience.
- URL structure needs to follow navigation structure
- Optimise homepage to drive traffic to the internal pages you want to sell on.
- Build follow links back-and-forth use breadcrumbs to guide users where they are.
- Make sure the pages use good code standards
- Use canonical tags in order to avoid duplicates
Remember to optimise for mobile as much as desktop. Keep styles and structure the same.
- Review spelling and grammar are correct
- Check pages for loading times and errors and fix them. (slow pages increase bounce rate)
- Check fonts are always working if you use a special font
- Keep checkout pages easy to use, one or two pages is best.
- Consider live contact options.
Page Speed tips
- Enable browser caching
- disable plugins that are not actually running
- use a simple design
- optimise code and minify files
- Reduce server response where possible
- GA will give guides on how to improve
- Build Quality Links
- Increase domain authority with back links to other quality sites. Quality over Quantity.
- Earn backlinks from relevant authoritative webpages
Do your own blogging or Vlogging
- Promote content on social media keeps the feed going.
- Opt for guest blogging or influencer marketing.
- Start pages on Facebook create groups. Remember, you must keep it updated.
- Use high-quality directories
- Use testimonial links